
Thursday, February 28, 2008


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. -The Tagline of StumbleUpon!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Luckiest Day of My life

In India almost everyone loves cricket (I am not talking about the insect). Although I do not love the game so much anymore but, thats a different story.

The incident I am going to tell happened long ago when I stayed in the IRMA campus. We were playing cricket in the campus. One of my friends, I do not remember who, hit a shot and the ball went onto the terrace of one of the houses where no one stayed. We needed the ball and so some one had to get to the terrace and get it (it is quite easy to climb to the terrace there). For that you have to first climb to the top of the building and then come down to the terrace that you need to.

I went to get the ball. I climbed the top of the building and then I got down to the terrace where the ball had gone via the parapet. Little did I know that there was a bee hive under the parapet. But luckily my legs did not hit it or else I might not be writing this blog now. Even after I got down from the parapet I had not seen the hive. I took the ball and threw it to my friends and went back the same way, it was only then that I actually saw the bee hive and for a moment could not think what needed to be done and how I would get back. Some bees stung me. If had not seen the other way to climb to the roof I would have jumped from the building.

After I got down from the building I got first aid.