
Thursday, September 11, 2008

All are equal

Everyone in this world is equal. Not all of them have the same social status, not everyone has the same economic status but they all have the same amount of time in a day.

If someone wants to be good at anything or with anybody they must spend this precious resource with it or them.

You will become good in your subject if you spend time with it. If you want to build up a relationship you have spend time with the person. If you are in love spend time with your partner.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Firefox Discarded

I have been facing some issues with FireFox 3.*. It would crash every few minutes after running. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling but the problem was never solved. So, I have switched from FireFox to Opera. Opera seems to be a great browser now. I have also changed the side bar which earlier looked like this (supporting Firefox).